Welcome to personal training studio

Forget shortcuts. People who put in the work, see amazing and lasting results.  

Can you say "Yes!" to any of these questions:

  •  And you ready to get serious this year?
  • Are you ready to follow a REAL plan that will get you LASTING results?
  • Do you need someone to show you the way and hold you accountable?
Personal training gets RESULTS:
In less than 10 weeks, Kelly lost over 8 pounds and 14 total inches!
What kind of results would YOU like to see 10 weeks from now?

SNEAK PEEK into the studio


You're at the right place at the right time. Don't miss this opportunity! 

If you're ready to take your fitness to the next level...

One of the reasons I love fitness is because I get to help people see that they CAN take control of their health and fitness.

I love to EMPOWER people and show them that they can make amazing changes in how they look and feel, if they just decide to make some small and consistent changes. 
Chelsey's gotten stronger!
"Since starting PT twice a week, I have not only been able to gain more muscle but I have also seen an improvement in my overall appearance. My clothes fit better even though the scale hasn't changed much. Being involved with PT has provided me a confidence boost in and outside of the gym that helps me hold my head up high."

We've seen some amazing transformations with boot camp!

and we added personal training to help you even MORE!

If you're ready to take your fitness to the next level...

Personal training gets RESULTS:
In less than 10 weeks, Kelly lost over 8 pounds and 14 total inches!
What kind or results would YOU like to see 10 weeks from now?
Personal training gets RESULTS: 
In less than 10 weeks, Kelly lost over 8 pounds and 14 total inches! 
What kind or results would YOU like to see 10 weeks from now?
Focused Fitness Personal Training
Yes! These specials explained below also apply to spouses/family members, for a limited time. I explain in this video....  V 
You're at the right place at the right time. 
Don't miss this opportunity! 
One of the reasons I love fitness is because I get to help people see that they CAN take control of their health and fitness. 

I love to EMPOWER people and show them that they can make amazing changes in how they look and feel, if they just decide to make some small and consistent changes. 
We've seen some amazing transformations with boot camp!

Now we're adding personal training to help you even MORE!
I thought I knew quite a bit before I opened boot camp, from my years of personal training and my own personal struggles with staying in shape.

If a client had goals to lose weight to look their best for a high school reunion, or they wanted to see muscle definition in their arms or legs, I knew they needed a combination of resistance training, some cardio and getting their nutrition right. 

And now, after 5 years of boot camp, and watching HUNDREDS of people striving to shed fat and feel good about how they look in a bathing suit, I am even more certain of the importance of STRENGTH training. 

"But Wayne, I'm a girl and I don't want big muscles, so I'm just going to use really light weights and do a lot of cardio and abs."
Let me be honest: over the years, the female clients who were not afraid to go heavy have seen the best results. 

And no, just because you're lifting a heavy weight, you won't get big muscles like a guy.

And if you want a healthy looking, lifted and shapely back side, the quickest way to get it is squatting and deadlifting heavy things!

One of my female personal training clients worked up to squatting a 110 lb. dumbbell!

And, to paint you the picture, she was already small framed, with (in her words) a flat butt. 

But going heavy got her the rear that she wanted! 

And now, the female boot campers who aren't afraid to tackle the heavy weights, are experiencing the best results in losing fat and muscle definition. 
Recognize this girl?? 
"But Wayne, I'm a guy and I just want to lose this belly fat and see my abs and I want bigger biceps.

So I think I should do a lot of sit ups, crunches and curls!"
Recognize this guy?? 
Attention guys and girls: 

The best way to speed up your metabolism and burn fat from ALL OVER YOUR BODY is to use strength training for your big muscle groups. 

And of course, putting the right food in your mouth.
The big muscle groups are what use the most energy and that will speed up your metabolism.
Your biceps will grow quicker, and your belly fat will disappear faster, if you do squats. 😮
But the devil is in the details...

How much weight to use?   
Which exercises should I do for my specific goals?

How many sets? And reps??

How many days a week?

How do I know when to change things up?

Time is a precious thing, don't you think?

If you have specific goals, then get specific help that can get you there FASTER and safely.

Don't waste valuable time trying to figure it out on your own. 

That's what we'll help you do in the personal training studio! 
"OK, Wayne, I'm convinced. Tell me more!"

Well alrighty then....
As a boot camper, you're getting first dibs on the best rates - almost HALF off if you're one of the first 30 people!! 

And I've also worked out an open gym option (see video above, and the detailed rates below). 

Founding Member Rates for the First 30

Exclusive Personal Training Rates for our Boot Campers:
40% off – Grand opening special ONLY. (First 30)

(These PT rates are only available as long as you are paying your current boot camp membership). 
Personal training just twice a week is like getting boot camp for FREE!
Personal Training 2x week at the regular rate:
$333 + $147 (average Boot camp rate) = $480

Personal Training 2 x week with this discount:
$198 + $147 = $345
Savings of $135!

Your spouse/significant other can also get this Personal Training rate for a limited time. 

"Open Gym" Access

This is for current boot campers to use the facility as a non-PT client. 
$50 a month
Month to month, no commitment
  • Time slots limited to when gym will be staffed. 
  • ​You'll need to reserve in Zen Planner to ensure there's space. 
  • ​Number of slots will depend on the PT client load.
  • ​YES! Your spouse can also use Open Gym - so $50 covers you AND them for Open Gym. 
As I mentioned in the video, this is a personal training studio. 

It will be designed to hold up to 8 clients, working with 2 trainers. 

But it will rarely be at full capacity, especially in the beginning. (Although that's my goal as a business owner).

So I would like to allow you use it as an "open gym". 

The only thing is, as it gets busier, the times available for Open Gym will begin to dwindle. 
I'm asking in advance for PATIENCE and UNDERSTANDING in regards to this open gym concept. 

As a business, I have to give priority to the regular paying PT clients. But I'm glad to let you use it when space is available.

We're working on a system in zen planner where you can easily see when time slots are available. 

My PLAN is to have a trainer there at the minimum (in the beginning): 

5:00 - 7:00 (maybe 8:00) AM

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

5:00 - 7:00 PM

That's a starting point. 

As PT clients begin filling in other time slots, then we can open up open gym slots at the same time, since a trainer will be there. 
The trainer is there for your safety, and to train PT clients. 

As an "Open Gymer", you will not have a program designed for you, BUT you WILL have access to it whenever you want, as long as there's a slot available. 
If you think you may be interested in personal training or Open Gym, please indicate by checking the form below.

If you're not interested in either, it's OK, you don't need to use the form. 
  +1 252-281-2999
  4125-F Old Tar Rd, Winterville, NC
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